Anubias barteri var. nana

anubias barteri var nana plant info
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Anubias nana: the little plant well-suited for shady places.

Anubias barteri var. nana is a beautiful and hardy aquarium plant that is a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts. This plant originates from Cameroon and is characterized by its slow growth and long-lasting leaves. Despite its slow growth rate, Anubias nana can reach up to 5-10 cm in height, with a rhizome that can be 10-15 cm or more, which makes it bigger than the “Anubias Petite“. 

One of the benefits of this plant is that it provides a habitat for slow-growing algae to become established, as the leaves can survive for several years. For the best results, Anubias nana should be planted on a rock or driftwood, where it can easily take hold. If necessary, fishing line can be used to attach the plant until it is established.

Anubias nana is also well-suited for shady places in the aquarium, where other plants may not thrive. It is a resilient plant that is not usually eaten by herbivorous fish, making it a good choice for aquariums with such species. Additionally, the plant flowers🡕 frequently under water, adding a touch of color and beauty to the aquarium.

However, it is important to note that the rhizome of Anubias nana, must not be covered by the substrate if planted on the bottom of the aquarium, as this can cause the plant to rot.


Best kept at 22-28°C (72-82°F).


Low CO2: 10-15 ppm of CO2. This is typically considered the minimum level of CO2 necessary for most aquatic plants to survive.


Low Lighting: The average light requirement of an aquarium plant in the “low lighting” category is 0.25-0.5 watts per liter, which is equivalent to approximately 1-2 watts per gallon using American units of measurement.

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